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Diverse Learning Environments


Little Learners

Where our 2-3 year olds play, learn and thrive cheered on by skilled staff who understand and care for them in a safe space that inspires their young minds to grow and mature in the Prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage:


· Communication and Language,

· Physical Development

· Personal, Social and Emotional development.

Bright Beginners

Where our children continue their learning journey building on the Prime Areas as they expand their knowledge in all seven areas of the EYFS through a colourful, stimulating and varied curriculum that ensures our children enter their school reception class confident and eager to learn.



The Specific Areas of the EYFS:

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding of the World

· Expressive Art and Design


Sunshine Room

Where imaginations spark and friendships build as children explore ideas, create and construct and always laugh, learn and play together.

Sensory Room

A room that is soft and calming for chill out times where children relax, listen to stories, explore light and dark with torches, fairy lights and things that glow. It’s also a room for expressive dancing, singing loudly, banging drums and shaking instruments.


Our fantastic interactive giant Tablet provides amazing opportunities to teach our children everything from nursery rhymes to David Attenborough narrated stories about endangered species! It is also a brilliant tool for practising letter and number formation, early reading, phonics and so much more.


The Great Outdoors

Step outside to discover, explore and experience nature at its best in all of its seasons.


From bear hunts, picnics, den-making, bird watching, mini beast investigation and story telling.


Where imaginations have free reign

Sports Hall

Where little athletes triumph and physical abilities are nurtured.

Your child will be able to play with our wide selection of equipment such as our bikes, soft play, balls & hoops, huge construction, parachute play, ring games, running and so much more!


Outdoor Play Area

Join us in our outdoor class room where children's learning continues in all areas of the EYFS

Where lots of physical play; bikes, climbing, balancing and building happens.

Imaginary play; in the mud kitchen, play house, building site, dinosaur world or wherever play leads...

I spy insects in their bug hotel 

Mark making with chalk, sticks and water

Counting and sorting everything from number ducks to leaves and pebbles

Stories, songs and rhymes...

all in the fresh air



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